16 research outputs found

    Tunable structures of mixtures of magnetic particles in liquid-crystalline matrices

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    We investigate the self-organization of a binary mixture of similar sized rods and dipolar soft spheres by means of Monte-Carlo simulations. We model the interparticle interactions by employing anisotropic Gay-Berne, dipolar and soft-sphere interactions. In the limit of vanishing magnetic moments we obtain a variety of fully miscible liquid crystalline phases including nematic, smectic and lamellar phases. For the magnetic mixture, we find that the liquid crystalline matrix supports the formation of orientationally ordered ferromagnetic chains. Depending on the relative size of the species the chains align parallel or perpendicular to the director of the rods forming uniaxial or biaxial nematic, smectic and lamellar phases. As an exemplary external perturbation we apply a homogeneous magnetic field causing uniaxial or biaxial ordering to an otherwise isotropic state.Comment: 11 pages, 12 figure

    Monte Carlo algorithm based on internal bridging moves for the atomistic simulation of thiophene oligomers and polymers

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    We introduce a powerful Monte Carlo (MC) algorithm for the atomistic simulation of bulk models of oligo- and poly-thiophenes by redesigning MC moves originally developed for considerably simpler polymer structures and architectures, such as linear and branched polyethylene, to account for the ring structure of the thiophene monomer. Elementary MC moves implemented include bias reptation of an end thiophene ring, flip of an internal thiophene ring, rotation of an end thiophene ring, concerted rotation of three thiophene rings, rigid translation of an entire molecule, rotation of an entire molecule and volume fluctuation. In the implementation of all moves we assume that thiophene ring atoms remain rigid and strictly co-planar; on the other hand, inter-ring torsion and bond bending angles remain fully flexible subject to suitable potential energy functions. Test simulations with the new algorithm of an important thiophene oligomer, {\alpha}-sexithiophene ({\alpha}-6T), at a high enough temperature (above its isotropic-to-nematic phase transition) using a new united atom model specifically developed for the purpose of this work provide predictions for the volumetric, conformational and structural properties that are remarkably close to those obtained from detailed atomistic Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations using an all-atom model. The new algorithm is particularly promising for exploring the rich (and largely unexplored) phase behavior and nanoscale ordering of very long (also more complex) thiophene-based polymers which cannot be addressed by conventional MD methods due to the extremely long relaxation times characterizing chain dynamics in these systems

    Orientational order and translational dynamics of magnetic particle assemblies in liquid crystals

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    Dieser Beitrag ist mit Zustimmung des Rechteinhabers aufgrund einer (DFG geförderten) Allianz- bzw. Nationallizenz frei zugänglich.This publication is with permission of the rights owner freely accessible due to an Alliance licence and a national licence (funded by the DFG, German Research Foundation) respectively.Implementing extensive molecular dynamics simulations we explore the organization of magnetic particle assemblies (clusters) in a uniaxial liquid crystalline matrix comprised of rodlike particles. The magnetic particles are modelled as soft dipolar spheres with diameter significantly smaller than the width of the rods. Depending on the dipolar strength coupling the magnetic particles arrange into headto- tail configurations forming various types of clusters including rings (closed loops) and chains. In turn, the liquid crystalline matrix induces long range orientational ordering to these structures and promotes their diffusion along the director of the phase. Different translational dynamics are exhibited as the liquid crystalline matrix transforms either from isotropic to nematic or from nematic to smectic state. This is caused due to different collective motion of the magnetic particles into various clusters in the anisotropic environments. Our results offer a physical insight for understanding both the structure and dynamics of magnetic particle assemblies in liquid crystalline matrices.DFG, SPP 1681, Feldgesteuerte Partikel-Matrix-Wechselwirkungen: Erzeugung, skalenübergreifende Modellierung und Anwendung magnetischer Hybridmaterialie

    Molecular simulation of hierarchical structures in bent-core nematics

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    The structure of nematic liquid crystals formed by bent-core mesogens (BCMs) is studied in the context of Monte Carlo simulations of a simple molecular model that captures the symmetry, shape and flexibility of achiral BCMs. The results indicate the formation of (i) clusters exhibiting local smectic order, orthogonal or tilted, with strong in-layer polar correlations and anti-ferroelectric juxtaposition of successive layers and (ii) large homochiral domains through the helical arrangement of the tilted smectic clusters, whilst the orthogonal clusters produce achiral (untwisted) nematic states.Comment: 14 pages, 2 figure

    Coarse-Grained Model Incorporating Short- and Long-Range Effective Potentials for the Fast Simulation of Micelle Formation in Solutions of Ionic Surfactants

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    A coarse-grained model comprising short- and long-range effective potentials, parametrized with the iterative Boltzmann inversion (IBI) method, is presented for capturing micelle formation in aqueous solutions of ionic surfactants using as a model system sodium dodecyl sulfate (SDS). In the coarse-grained (CG) model, each SDS molecule is represented as a sequence of four beads while each water molecule is modeled as a single bead. The proposed CG scheme involves ten potential energy functions: four of them describe bonded interactions and control the distribution functions of intramolecular degrees of freedom (bond lengths, valence angles, and dihedrals) along an SDS molecule while the other six account for intermolecular interactions between pairs of SDS and water beads and control the radial distribution functions. The nonbonded effective potentials between coarse-grained SDS molecules extend up to about 12 nm and capture structural and morphological features of the micellar solution both at short and long distances. The long-range component of these potentials, in particular, captures correlations between surfactant molecules belonging to different micelles and is essential to describe ordering associated with micelle formation. A new strategy is introduced for determining the effective potentials through IBI by using information (target distribution functions) extracted from independent atomistic simulations of a micellar reference system (a salt-free SDS solution at total surfactant concentration cT equal to 103 mM, temperature T equal to 300 K, and pressure P equal to 1 atm) obtained through a multiscale approach described in an earlier study. It employs several optimization steps for bonded and nonbonded interactions and a gradual parametrization of the short- and long-range components of the latter, followed by reparametrization of the bonded ones. The proposed CG model can reproduce remarkably accurately the microstructure and morphology of the reference system within only a few hours of computational time. It is therefore very promising for future studies of structural and morphological behavior of various liquid surfactant formulations.ISSN:1520-6106ISSN:1520-5207ISSN:1089-564